Some of the people who follow me might find this useful.
With Clinical Depression, you’re not sad exactly. Your feelings are BROKE. They don’t work properly. Now we are conditioned in this modern world and in “western” culture to let our FEEEEEEELINGS rule our lives. 
"Do what feelz right!" "You gotta feel it!" "I just wasn’t feeling it today, so I didn’t do that thing I was supposed to." "I know, it I just feel it!"
So what do we do when our feelings are medically borked? What other people in many cultures, including our own in the past, used to do or have been doing- they had other motivations. Duty, family honor, personal decisions, or just the fact that there’s no one else gonna do stuff for you, so you Get Sh^# Done.  Necessity is the Mother of Holy Crap Look What I Did.
One of my favorite book series is Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, and his characters often get told by each other, “Get past ‘I Can’t’!”
I am not saying that some kind of positive thinking crap will make the depression go away. It probably won’t. But what it will do is get you moving, even without happy feelings, it will get you to go do that crap. Kick the day in the teeth even if it’s just, Hey, I got up, I showered, I put on clothing and went to my class. Like a boss. Now I am doing my homework. And now I am going to rest, take a hot bath and watch netflix until bedtime because I did hard things today.
This is how I narrate to myself when I know my feelings are not being helpful. I look right at what is in front of me, and make my hands just do it.