Sunday, December 12, 2010

In Which I Question My Subconscious Priorities

I have an amazing memory for the names of other people's dolls or dogs, but next to none for people's names.
...I am led to question my mental subconscious priorities.

I think it's not necessarily that I have more interest in my hobbies, like dogs and ball jointed dolls, than I do in people, although that's probably a tiny bit true, since I do tend toward the autistic. I think it's that, to my perception, many individual people are not distinct enough for me to remember their names.
I remember the distinct dogs at the park. I can't recall one yippy bichon from another, but Cocoa the bichon cocker mix, with her light tan coloring and pleasant attitude, I recall perfectly. I can't recall all the shepherd mix dogs, but I can remember Reggie the gigantic Shepherd mix with the athletic gait and the patient attitude. I can remember Kaluah the Basenji that everybody loves because she gets the other dogs to play and run, tiring them out, or Charity, a big Rhodesian mix that loves to run along the fence and has a ferocious sounding Happy Bark.

Dolls, now- I can't tell one androgynous goth punk boi from another, but show me a doll with a more original look and I'll remember their name six months later. I could list at least twenty or thirty off the top of my head right now that I recognize on sight, having seen their pictures maybe three times each.

The people in my very limited social circles must just seem homogenous to my visual brain, because with a few exceptions I can never remember people's names. The popularity naming practice doesn't help me. Kim, Brittany, Ashley, Brandon, Matt, Mike... Repeat, ad infinitum. It's as if the parents of each generation chose a list of 100 names and only picked from that list! I was lucky to have escaped the fate of so many Ashleys and Jennifers. Current fashions also seem to be kind of limited in the circles I frequent, because a lot of people look too much alike to me in dress and hairstyles as well. I do think that's part of why I like slightly outlandish clothes, myself.

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