I keep having the same conversation:
Me: “Yeah, I shoot a little archery.”
"So like in the Olympics, with all those gears and sticks and controls?"
Me: “Er, no, mine’s a little more simple-“
"So like a bowhunting bow."
Me: “Not quite, mine’s traditional.”
"Oh, you mean fiberglass, with those cool wooden middle parts! Yeah my Brother had a longbow like that."
Me: “Er, his was probably a longlimb recurve, and no, mine’s really traditional. Like a little more than that.”
"OH, so it was an all wood recurve? That’s what Traditional people shoot, you can’t get more traditional than Traditional."
Me: “Er, apparently you can… cuz I didn’t know it but I have… My bow is a stick. An English D-section Long Bow. Oak. It has a leather band around it for a grip, it has horn nocks on the ends for the string and the Flemish string has serving on it. That’s it. That’s the whole thing.”
"But what about sights/peeps/clickers/nockpoints/arrowrests?? How do you shoot something like that??"
Me: “At first, Badly. For a very long time.”