In spite of my best efforts and the use of modern medicines, a simple allergic attack became a sinus infection, which turned into a bad reaction from a latent mono-or-mono-like virus that knocked me out of commission and into bed for the entire month of September. I was barely able to go to my reenactment group's War, (a huge campout/tournament/market/class-workshop thing) but I did and it was fun! I bought a silver hairthingy and a buncha linen for me to spoil myself with, making garb.
I'm considering moving to Utah in the Spring or early Summer of the coming year to try to get back to my schooling I wanna rent a contract in a house and I really want a dog. My parents left our family's/my brother's dog Maddie here with me when they moved. Having Maddie around was so good for me. This last week while I was at War my brother came and got her. When I was unpacking my war camping gear I had to clean up her toys and her little bed in the garage and I just had to cry for a bit. I miss my puppeh, but she's not just mine.
Ball Jointed Dollywise: I got the head for my Aoi Tuki body, a Migidoll Jina head. I put it on her and she looks amazing. FINALLY got her faceup (that means to paint her face) finished and she is so beautiful. I have also spent those days in September when I could get up and about trying to slowly re-faceup Pip, my dearest little dolly, (and I've managed well enough for now. Although its a bit too tan and a bit shiny, she at least looks like herself for the moment. I missed her too much to do that again very soon.
Working on: Sewing as usual, cleaning the house, de-camping the war gear, getting healthy dangit.
Dolly stuff: Stella's Sleeping Face, Copernica's dremel mods, the Beast Mods, and Na'vi project. That's the current list on the table. I intend in October and November to complete tidying my garage so I can set up the shop vac and do dremel work on Copernica and the Beast's pieces out there in the garage.
That's what's up...pretty much. Trying to get strong and fit again and get my house cleaned up and dejunked. I own too much crappe hiding in corners. Gotta sort it into Toss or Donate, and then truck it all away.